how to survive a shark attack, tip #6

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Divers, boating accident survivors, and surfers call it a given to find themselves being encircled by a shark. However, they call it the height of misfortune to be encircled by two sharks.

This time you have a harpoon, and only one shot. There are two sharks. Here is how you can make that one shot count.

Make sure both sharks are swimming toward you and that they are near each other. Aim for the nose of one shark. Watch the harpooned shark squirm and writhe and bleed.

Sharks include in their diet seals, dolphins, and other sharks. The unhurt shark might feed on the wounded and forget about you, leaving you free to swim away.

The prudent shark will try to secure immediate gain: it will feed on its dead companion. The more selfish shark will try to maximize overall gain: you first, then the dead shark.

Keep aiming that empty harpoon at the shark, fully knowing you are now up against a selfish gambler.

You now only have one chance to survive: steel yourself, act cocky, extend you aura of unwavering confidence until the shark feels it and decides to be prudent.

But remember, the prudent shark will try to secure immediate gain. Since you are nearer to it than the dead shark it neglected, you ARE the immediate gain.