overcoming sisyphus

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Color. You use colored post-its and polka-dot your worktable with them. Because your table is brown and your PC is black, the small reminder notes--smaller than my palm--call out to you eyes. You flick your eyes to them and boom: you are reminded of things to do, pencilled on a yellow list. You look around your worktable and the end-result is listlessness. You are swarmed with yellow. You let out a moan and then a sigh. Later on you moan again. You can't do all them to-do's at the same time, only a couple at a time, and in sequence. So you do the manageable. You make another list on another post-it but this time on a color that stands out from all that depressing yellow: neon orange.

Spiff. Spice. Maybe it's nice. You laugh out loud. And you return to the two basic questions your skewed self often finds useful: what do you want to do, and how badly do you want them done. You don't need a plan. You need to want something badly. All else, yellow and orange, the colors of the rainbow, will follow.