Cleaning the attic

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One Anne Rice biographer said of Rice as being in constant pychological evolution. It was written years before Rice converted to Catholicism, and that biographer would not have raised an eyebrow when, in recent years, Rice excommunicated herself from the Vatican corporation. She's not a Catholic anymore, in the same way a self-disciplined driver discontinues her membership from a motorists organization, but still adheres to the principles of defensive driving, taking care of your car, preparing for long trips, and being socially respectful to everyone on the road.

Rice, for as long as I've silently worshipped her vampire-lore-reinvigoration novel, "The Interview with the Vampire," had always been an atheist. What am I driving at? Blogging is a box I've kept stale for years now, not knowing what new items to throw in. I'm going to take this slow, and sift through my blog items (posts) of way back up to the latest, to see how depressing my online writing evolution has become, acting as my own detached biographer.



happy new year, ayen!