how to survive a near death experience

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  1. Stay away from the light. People who came out of near-death experiences often cite bright lights, especially a big one above or behind them. This tunnel-like light has been reported to be enticing, as it magnifies the calm that accompanies one's out-of-body time during near-death. Presence of mind at that moment spells either moving on to the hereafter or coming back to the here and now. Decide to stay alive. Resist the overwhelming peace. Close your eyes, look away, float back into your body, remember that you still have unpaid credit card bills. Hmmm. Or you can give in to the peace and float into the light, having examined your options.

  2. Be careful. It pays to be cautious. Look both ways when crossing the street. When drinking medicine from a bottle, read the label to make sure the cross and bones symbol is not there. Chew your food carefully so as not to bite your tongue. When your child tells you there are monsters in her closet, believe her. When your boyfriend or girlfriend has something in his or her hand and is pointing it at you in the dark, say, "It was just a passing fling, baby. You're the one I love in this life."